for a healthier, safer, and more sustainable blue planet.
Fishing vessels offer a unique data collection capability compared to traditional ocean observation platforms. Oceanographic instruments are mounted on fishing gear (nets, traps, etc) and then collect profiles of the water column as the gear drops down to the bottom and is hauled back up during normal fishing operations. As soon as the net or trap surfaces, data is relayed to a deck hub via bluetooth, and then automatically on to the cloud – all without interfering with normal fishing operations.

We are leading the Fishing Vessel Ocean Observing Network (FVON), which is the international coordinating group dedicated to advancing fishing vessel based ocean observing. FVON is an endorsed project by the UN Decade of Ocean Science and Sustainable Development under the GOOS CoastPredict program. We are aiming to become a network within the Global Ocean Observing System so that fishing vessel based ocean observations can be a globally accepted tool, with the mission of becoming the coastal complement to the Argo program. Learn more.